The Price Estimator is not meant to be an accurate pricing tool. It is meant to get you into a range close to where you should price your product, service or experience (PSE). This ensures you can offer a tempting share-in-revenue deal to potential BSPs. You will realize that the ideal PSE must be relatively affordable to produce, and will induce clients to pay a premium for it. Keep in mind that a very inexpensive $1.60 product to produce, which induces customers to pay a premium $15 to purchase, fits this description. However, will this type of product cause large BSPs to risk resources for it? It is likely that a BSP will be seeking a product which will sell 1,000+ units per month at that price point, before they will risk advertising resources on it. Following this logic, a PSE with an average price near than $50 and a sales volume of more than 400 per month is a better fit for risk. Consequently, the higher initial price speaks to a premium cost to consumers or business. But that means you no longer need to sell in high volumes to produce real returns. If this is true, then your target audiences can be smaller to reach this same volume of sales. That means it costs less in resources to reach that audience. Less resources are more likely to be risked than greater resources. Therefore, we recommend PSE with a price of $100 or more anticipating 200+ sales per month as an ideal price point. This form is designed to calculate answers immediately, no need to use the RETURN or ENTER button, just click outside the boxes. This is form does not save your information.
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