This ROI Calculator is meant to give you a quick way to calculate RISK. Risk is a simple calculation; How much will I likely make, minus, how much will it cost me. Is the gain worth effort to risk it? How much do you need to gain, to convince yourself, it’s worth the risk? Generally, doubling your initial investment is a good start. You risked 1 and you got 2 in return. This ROI, when repeatable, is attractive. We recommend a 2x ROI as a baseline for risk, unless you are an experienced risk taker. Some of the largest and most successful businesses in the USA, such as grocery stores and car dealerships, survive on 1% to 3%. Retailers thrive on 5% ROI. Costco is one of the best at 13% ROI. If you understand the intricacies of these businesses, you will be more successful than the average business person in assessing risk. If not, use this rule as a guideline to help you begin your journey in assessing and managing risk. Working together, standing businesses can offer a minimum resources in exchange for maximum ROI from new businesses only using your excess capacity. With AGP, we ensure you Always Get Paid! Your calculations will generate immediately, do not use the RETURN or ENTER button, just click outside of the box. Information inserted into this form will not be saved.
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